class TextKeyRest

Public Class Methods

new(authKey, displayInfo=false) click to toggle source


# File lib/textkey_rest/textkey.rb, line 20
def initialize(authKey, displayInfo=false)
      # Set the API Key
  @authKey = authKey
      # Set the display options
  @displayInfo = displayInfo

Public Instance Methods

perform_CreateNewCellNumberProxy(cellNumber) click to toggle source

#perform_CreateNewCellNumberProxy - Send the createNewcellNumberProxy API Request and return the results

  • Args :

    • cellNumber -> The Cell Number that was used when the user was registered with

  • Returns :

    • +The returned JSON payload as a string

# File lib/textkey_rest/textkey.rb, line 283
def perform_CreateNewCellNumberProxy(cellNumber)              

  # Build the URL
  resturl = TextkeyRest::Config::TK_BASE[:rest_url] + "createNewcellNumberProxy";
  # Setup the payload
  restpayload = { :DataIn  => { :apiKey => @authKey, :truecellNumber => cellNumber } }
  # Make the API request
  return sendAPIRequest(resturl, restpayload)
perform_DoesRegistrationCellNumberExist(cellNumber) click to toggle source

#perform_DoesRegistrationCellNumberExist - Send the doesRegistrationcellNumberExist API Request and return the results

  • Args :

    • cellNumber -> The Cell Number that was used when the user was registered with

  • Returns :

    • +The returned JSON payload as a string

# File lib/textkey_rest/textkey.rb, line 261
def perform_DoesRegistrationCellNumberExist(cellNumber)               

  # Build the URL
  resturl = TextkeyRest::Config::TK_BASE[:rest_url] + "doesRegistrationcellNumberExist";
  # Setup the payload
  restpayload = { :DataIn  => { :apiKey => @authKey, :cellNumber => cellNumber } }
  # Make the API request
  return sendAPIRequest(resturl, restpayload)
perform_DoesRegistrationUserIDExist(userID, isHashed) click to toggle source

#perform_DoesRegistrationUserIDExist - Send the #perform_DoesRegistrationUserIDExist API Request and return the results

  • Args :

    • userID -> The unique identifier that was used when the user was registered with

    • isHashed -> Indicates if the userID was hashed before the user was registered.

  • Returns :

    • +The returned JSON payload as a string

# File lib/textkey_rest/textkey.rb, line 238
def perform_DoesRegistrationUserIDExist(userID, 

  # Build the URL
  resturl = TextkeyRest::Config::TK_BASE[:rest_url] + "doesRegistrationUserIdExist";
  # Setup the payload
  restpayload = { :DataIn  => { :apiKey => @authKey, :userID => userID, :isHashed => isHashed } }
  # Make the API request
  return sendAPIRequest(resturl, restpayload)
perform_GetTempAPI_Key(minutesDuration) click to toggle source

#perform_GetTempAPI_Key - Sends the gettempAPIKey API Request and return the results

  • Args :

    • minutesDuration -> The number of minutes that this API key will be valid

  • Returns :

    • +The returned JSON payload as a string

  • Raises :

# File lib/textkey_rest/textkey.rb, line 73
def perform_GetTempAPI_Key(minutesDuration)
  # Build the URL
  resturl = TextkeyRest::Config::TK_BASE[:rest_url] + "gettempAPIKey";
  # Setup the payload
  restpayload = { :DataIn  => { :apiKey => @authKey, :minutesDuration => minutesDuration } }
  # Make the API request
  return sendAPIRequest(resturl, restpayload)
perform_IssueTextKeyFromCellNumber(cellNumber) click to toggle source

#perform_IssueTextKeyFromCellNumber - Send the issueTextKeyFromcellNumber API Request and return the results

  • Args :

    • cellNumber -> The Cell Number that was used when the user was registered with

  • Returns :

    • +The returned JSON payload as a string

# File lib/textkey_rest/textkey.rb, line 329
def perform_IssueTextKeyFromCellNumber(cellNumber)            

  # Build the URL
  resturl = TextkeyRest::Config::TK_BASE[:rest_url] + "issueTextKeyFromcellNumber";
  # Setup the payload
  restpayload = { :DataIn  => { :apiKey => @authKey, :cellNumber => cellNumber } }
  # Make the API request
  return sendAPIRequest(resturl, restpayload)
perform_IssueTextKeyFromUserId(userID, isHashed) click to toggle source

#perform_IssueTextKeyFromUserId - Send the #perform_IssueTextKeyFromUserId API Request and return the results

  • Args :

    • userID -> The unique identifier that was used when the user was registered with

    • isHashed -> Indicates if the userID was hashed before the user was registered.

  • Returns :

    • +The returned JSON payload as a string

# File lib/textkey_rest/textkey.rb, line 186
def perform_IssueTextKeyFromUserId(userID, 

  # Build the URL
  resturl = TextkeyRest::Config::TK_BASE[:rest_url] + "issueTextKeyFromUserId";
  # Setup the payload
  restpayload = { :DataIn  => { :apiKey => @authKey, :userID => userID, :isHashed => isHashed } }
  # Make the API request
  return sendAPIRequest(resturl, restpayload)
perform_PollForIncomingTextKey(textKey) click to toggle source

#perform_PollForIncomingTextKey - Send the pollForIncomingTextKey API Request and return the results

  • Args :

    • TextKey -> The TextKey to check for

  • Returns :

    • +The returned JSON payload as a string

# File lib/textkey_rest/textkey.rb, line 351
def perform_PollForIncomingTextKey(textKey)           

  # Build the URL
  resturl = TextkeyRest::Config::TK_BASE[:rest_url] + "pollForIncomingTextKey";
  # Setup the payload
  restpayload = { :DataIn  => { :apiKey => @authKey, :textKey => textKey } }
  # Make the API request
  return sendAPIRequest(resturl, restpayload)
perform_RemoveTempAPIKey(tempAPIKey, minutesDuration) click to toggle source

#perform_RemoveTempAPIKey - Send the removetempAPIKey API Request and return the results

  • Args :

    • tempAPIKey -> The temporary API Key to remove

    • minutesDuration -> This parameter is ignored but still must still be passed in with an integer value

  • Returns :

    • +The returned JSON payload as a string

# File lib/textkey_rest/textkey.rb, line 306
def perform_RemoveTempAPIKey(tempAPIKey,

  # Build the URL
  resturl = TextkeyRest::Config::TK_BASE[:rest_url] + "removetempAPIKey";
  # Setup the payload
  restpayload = { :DataIn  => { :apiKey => @authKey, :apiKey => tempAPIKey, :minutesDuration => minutesDuration } }
  # Make the API request
  return sendAPIRequest(resturl, restpayload)
perform_ValidateTextKeyFromCellNumber(cellNumber, textKey, textKeyVC) click to toggle source

#perform_ValidateTextKeyFromCellNumber - Send the validateTextKeyFromcellNumber API Request and return the results

  • Args :

    • cellNumber -> The Cell Number that was used when the user was registered with

    • TextKey -> The TextKey to check for

    • TextKeyVC -> The TextKey Validation Code to check for

  • Returns :

    • +The returned JSON payload as a string

# File lib/textkey_rest/textkey.rb, line 403
def perform_ValidateTextKeyFromCellNumber(cellNumber,

  # Build the URL
  resturl = TextkeyRest::Config::TK_BASE[:rest_url] + "validateTextKeyFromcellNumber";
  # Setup the payload
  restpayload = { :DataIn  => { :apiKey => @authKey, :cellNumber => cellNumber, :textKey => textKey, :validationCode => textKeyVC } }
  # Make the API request
  return sendAPIRequest(resturl, restpayload)
perform_ValidateTextKeyFromUserId(userID, textKey, textKeyVC, isHashed) click to toggle source

#perform_ValidateTextKeyFromUserId - Send the validateTextKeyFromUserId API Request and return the results

  • Args :

    • userID -> The unique identifier that was used when the user was registered with

    • TextKey -> The TextKey to check for

    • TextKeyVC -> The TextKey Validation Code to check for

    • isHashed -> Indicates if the userID was hashed before the user was registered.

  • Returns :

    • +The returned JSON payload as a string

# File lib/textkey_rest/textkey.rb, line 376
def perform_ValidateTextKeyFromUserId(userID,

  # Build the URL
  resturl = TextkeyRest::Config::TK_BASE[:rest_url] + "validateTextKeyFromUserId";
  # Setup the payload
  restpayload = { :DataIn  => { :apiKey => @authKey, :userID => userID, :textKey => textKey, :validationCode => textKeyVC, :isHashed => isHashed } }
  # Make the API request
  return sendAPIRequest(resturl, restpayload)
perform_getTextKeyRegistration(retrieveBy, cellNumber, suppl1, suppl2) click to toggle source

#perform_IssueTextKeyFromUserId - Send the #perform_IssueTextKeyFromUserId API Request and return the results

  • Args :

    • retrieveBy -> Defines the type of retrieve option to use

    • cellNumber -> The Cell Number that you are registering

    • suppl1 -> The suppl1 field value that you are searching for

    • suppl2 -> The suppl2 field value that you are searching fo

  • Returns :

    • +The returned JSON payload as a string

# File lib/textkey_rest/textkey.rb, line 212
def perform_getTextKeyRegistration(retrieveBy,

  # Build the URL
  resturl = TextkeyRest::Config::TK_BASE[:rest_url] + "getTextKeyRegistration";
  # Setup the payload
  restpayload = { :DataIn  => { :apiKey => @authKey, :retrieveBy => retrieveBy, :cellNumber => cellNumber, :suppl1 => suppl1, :suppl2 => suppl2 } }
  # Make the API request
  return sendAPIRequest(resturl, restpayload)
perform_registerTextKeyUser(command, cellNumber, ownerFName, ownerLName, suppl1, suppl2, userID, isHashed, pinCode, distressPinCode, textKeyMode, receiveMode) click to toggle source

#perform_registerTextKeyUser - Send the #perform_registerTextKeyUser API Request and return the results

  • Args :

    • command -> The register command

    • cellNumber -> The Cell Number that you are registering

    • ownerFName -> User's First Name

    • ownerLName -> User's Last Name

    • suppl1 -> An additional identifier chosen by the customer

    • suppl2 -> Another additional identifier chosen by the customer

    • userID -> The user id that the end user has entered on the web site login page

    • isHashed -> Is the user id hashed

    • pinCode -> The numeric Pin Code

    • distressPinCode -> The numeric Distress Pin Code

    • textKeyMode -> The TextKey validation mode

    • receiveMode -> The TextKey receive mode

  • Returns :

    • +The returned JSON payload as a string

# File lib/textkey_rest/textkey.rb, line 105
def perform_registerTextKeyUser(command, cellNumber, ownerFName, ownerLName, suppl1, suppl2, userID, isHashed, pinCode, distressPinCode, textKeyMode, receiveMode)            
  # Build the URL
  resturl = TextkeyRest::Config::TK_BASE[:rest_url] + "registerTextKeyUser";
  # Setup the payload
  restpayload = { :DataIn  => { :apiKey => @authKey, :command => command, :cellNumber => cellNumber, :ownerFName => ownerFName, :ownerLName => ownerLName, :suppl1 => suppl1, :suppl2 => suppl2, :userID => userID, :isHashed => isHashed, :pinCode => pinCode, :distresspinCode => distressPinCode, :textKeyMode => textKeyMode, :receiveMode => receiveMode } }
  # Make the API request
  return sendAPIRequest(resturl, restpayload)
perform_registerTextKeyUserCSA(command, cellNumber, ownerFName, ownerLName, suppl1, suppl2, ownerBirthDate, gender, userID, isHashed, pinCode, distressPinCode, q1, a1, q2, a2, q3, a3, textKeyMode, receiveMode) click to toggle source

#perform_registerTextKeyUserCSA - Send the #perform_registerTextKeyUserCSA API Request and return the results

  • Args :

    • command -> The register command

    • cellNumber -> The Cell Number that you are registering

    • ownerFName -> User's First Name

    • ownerLName -> User's Last Name

    • suppl1 -> An additional identifier chosen by the customer

    • suppl2 -> Another additional identifier chosen by the customer

    • ownerBirthDate -> Users birth date. The format should be MM/DD/YYYY (i.e. 12/25/1984)

    • gender -> The users gender. The values should be either M or F.

    • userID -> The user id that the end user has entered on the web site login page

    • isHashed -> Is the user id hashed

    • pinCode -> The numeric Pin Code

    • q1 -> The first user profile question.

    • a1 -> The answer to the first user question.

    • q2 -> The second user profile question.

    • a2 -> The answer to the second user question.

    • q3 -> The third user profile question.

    • a3 -> The answer to the third user question.

    • textKeyMode -> The TextKey validation mode

    • receiveMode -> The TextKey receive mode.

  • Returns :

    • +The returned JSON payload as a string

# File lib/textkey_rest/textkey.rb, line 144
def perform_registerTextKeyUserCSA(command,

  # Build the URL
  resturl = TextkeyRest::Config::TK_BASE[:rest_url] + "registerTextKeyUser";
  # Setup the payload
  restpayload = { :DataIn  => { :apiKey => @authKey, :command => command, :cellNumber => cellNumber, :ownerFName => ownerFName, :ownerLName => ownerLName, :suppl1 => suppl1, :suppl2 => suppl2, :ownerBirthDate => ownerBirthDate, :ownergender => gender, :userID => userID, :isHashed => isHashed, :pinCode => pinCode, :distresspinCode => distressPinCode, :q1 => q1, :a1 => a1, :q2 => q2, :a2 => a2, :q3 => q3, :a3 => a3, :textKeyMode => textKeyMode, :receiveMode => receiveMode } }
  # Make the API request
  return sendAPIRequest(resturl, restpayload)
sendAPIRequest(url, postdata) click to toggle source

performs the POST request

  • Args :

    • url -> The TextKey REST URL

    • postdata -> The post data for the request

  • Returns :

    • +The returned JSON payload as a string

  • Raises :

# File lib/textkey_rest/textkey.rb, line 40
def sendAPIRequest(url, postdata)
  # If show flag is set show the parameters
  if @displayInfo
    puts 'url: ' + url
    puts 'Payload:'
    puts JSON.pretty_generate postdata
  # Send the API request
  response =, 
                             :content_type => 'application/json')

  # If show flag is set show the return payload
  if @displayInfo
    puts 'Results:'
    puts JSON.pretty_generate JSON.parse(response)
  return response.body